Source code for sqlobject.firebird.firebirdconnection

import os
import re
import warnings
from sqlobject import col
from sqlobject.dbconnection import DBAPI

[docs]class FirebirdConnection(DBAPI): supportTransactions = False dbName = 'firebird' schemes = [dbName] limit_re = re.compile('^\s*(select )(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, host, db, port='3050', user='sysdba', password='masterkey', autoCommit=1, dialect=None, role=None, charset=None, **kw): drivers = kw.pop('driver', None) or 'fdb,kinterbasdb' for driver in drivers.split(','): driver = driver.strip() if not driver: continue try: if driver == 'fdb': import fdb self.module = fdb elif driver == 'kinterbasdb': import kinterbasdb # See # # for an explanation; in short: use datetime, decimal and # unicode. kinterbasdb.init(type_conv=200) self.module = kinterbasdb elif driver in ('firebirdsql', 'pyfirebirdsql'): import firebirdsql self.module = firebirdsql else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown FireBird driver "%s", ' 'expected fdb, kinterbasdb or firebirdsql' % driver) except ImportError: pass else: break else: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find an FireBird driver, tried %s' % drivers) = host self.port = port self.db = db self.user = user self.password = password if dialect: self.dialect = int(dialect) else: self.dialect = None self.role = role if charset: # Encoding defined by user in the connection string. self.dbEncoding = charset.replace('-', '') else: self.dbEncoding = charset # Encoding defined during database creation and stored in the database. self.defaultDbEncoding = '' DBAPI.__init__(self, **kw) @classmethod def _connectionFromParams(cls, auth, password, host, port, path, args): if not password: password = 'masterkey' if not auth: auth = 'sysdba' # check for alias using if (path[0] == '/') and path[-3:].lower() not in ('fdb', 'gdb'): path = path[1:] path = path.replace('/', os.sep) return cls(host, port=port, db=path, user=auth, password=password, **args) def _runWithConnection(self, meth, *args): if not self.autoCommit: return DBAPI._runWithConnection(self, meth, args) conn = self.getConnection() # @@: Horrible auto-commit implementation. Just horrible! try: conn.begin() except self.module.ProgrammingError: pass try: val = meth(conn, *args) try: conn.commit() except self.module.ProgrammingError: pass finally: self.releaseConnection(conn) return val def _setAutoCommit(self, conn, auto): # Only _runWithConnection does "autocommit", so we don't # need to worry about that. pass
[docs] def makeConnection(self): extra = {} if self.dialect: extra['dialect'] = self.dialect return self.module.connect(, port=self.port, database=self.db, user=self.user, password=self.password, role=self.role, charset=self.dbEncoding, **extra )
def _queryInsertID(self, conn, soInstance, id, names, values): """Firebird uses 'generators' to create new ids for a table. The users needs to create a generator named GEN_<tablename> for each table this method to work.""" table = soInstance.sqlmeta.table idName = soInstance.sqlmeta.idName sequenceName = soInstance.sqlmeta.idSequence or 'GEN_%s' % table c = conn.cursor() if id is None: c.execute('SELECT gen_id(%s,1) FROM rdb$database' % sequenceName) id = c.fetchone()[0] names = [idName] + names values = [id] + values q = self._insertSQL(table, names, values) if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, q, 'QueryIns') c.execute(q) if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, id, 'QueryIns', 'result') return id @classmethod def _queryAddLimitOffset(cls, query, start, end): """Firebird slaps the limit and offset (actually 'first' and 'skip', respectively) statement right after the select.""" if not start: limit_str = "SELECT FIRST %i" % end if not end: limit_str = "SELECT SKIP %i" % start else: limit_str = "SELECT FIRST %i SKIP %i" % (end - start, start) match = cls.limit_re.match(query) if match and len(match.groups()) == 2: return ' '.join([limit_str,]) else: return query
[docs] def createTable(self, soClass): self.query('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s\n)' % (soClass.sqlmeta.table, self.createColumns(soClass))) self.query("CREATE GENERATOR GEN_%s" % soClass.sqlmeta.table) return []
[docs] def createReferenceConstraint(self, soClass, col): return None
[docs] def createColumn(self, soClass, col): return col.firebirdCreateSQL()
[docs] def createIDColumn(self, soClass): key_type = {int: "INT", str: "VARCHAR(255)"}[soClass.sqlmeta.idType] return '%s %s NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY' % (soClass.sqlmeta.idName, key_type)
[docs] def createIndexSQL(self, soClass, index): return index.firebirdCreateIndexSQL(soClass)
[docs] def joinSQLType(self, join): return 'INT NOT NULL'
[docs] def tableExists(self, tableName): # there's something in the database by this name...let's # assume it's a table. By default, fb 1.0 stores EVERYTHING # it cares about in uppercase. result = self.queryOne( "SELECT COUNT(rdb$relation_name) FROM rdb$relations " "WHERE rdb$relation_name = '%s'" % tableName.upper()) return result[0]
[docs] def addColumn(self, tableName, column): self.query('ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s' % (tableName, column.firebirdCreateSQL()))
[docs] def dropTable(self, tableName, cascade=False): self.query("DROP TABLE %s" % tableName) self.query("DROP GENERATOR GEN_%s" % tableName)
[docs] def delColumn(self, sqlmeta, column): self.query('ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s' % (sqlmeta.table, column.dbName))
[docs] def readDefaultEncodingFromDB(self): # Get out if encoding is known allready (can by None as well). if self.defaultDbEncoding == "": self.defaultDbEncoding = str(self.queryOne( "SELECT rdb$character_set_name FROM rdb$database")[0]. strip().lower()) # encoding defined during db creation if self.defaultDbEncoding == "none": self.defaultDbEncoding = None if self.dbEncoding != self.defaultDbEncoding: warningText = """\n Database charset: %s is different """ \ """from connection charset: %s.\n""" % ( self.defaultDbEncoding, self.dbEncoding) warnings.warn(warningText) # TODO: ??? print out the uri string, # so user can see what is going on warningText = """\n Every CHAR or VARCHAR field can (or, better: must) """ \ """have a character set defined in Firebird. In the case, field charset is not defined, """ \ """SQLObject try to use a db default encoding instead. Firebird is unable to transliterate between character sets. So you must set the correct values on the server """ \ "and on the client if everything is to work smoothely.\n" warnings.warn(warningText) if not self.dbEncoding: # defined by user in the connection string self.dbEncoding = self.defaultDbEncoding warningText = """\n encoding: %s will be used as default """ \ """for this connection\n""" % self.dbEncoding warnings.warn(warningText)
[docs] def columnsFromSchema(self, tableName, soClass): """ Look at the given table and create Col instances (or subclasses of Col) for the fields it finds in that table. """ self.readDefaultEncodingFromDB() fieldQuery = """\ SELECT r.RDB$FIELD_NAME AS field_name, CASE f.RDB$FIELD_TYPE when 7 then 'smallint' when 8 then 'integer' when 16 then 'int64' when 9 then 'quad' when 10 then 'float' when 11 then 'd_float' when 17 then 'boolean' when 27 then 'double' when 12 then 'date' when 13 then 'time' when 35 then 'timestamp' when 261 then 'blob' when 37 then 'varchar' when 14 then 'char' when 40 then 'cstring' when 45 then 'blob_id' ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS field_type, case f.rdb$field_type when 7 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 1 then 'numeric' when 2 then 'decimal' end when 8 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 1 then 'numeric' when 2 then 'decimal' end when 16 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 1 then 'numeric' when 2 then 'decimal' else 'bigint' end when 14 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 0 then 'unspecified' when 1 then 'binary' when 3 then 'acl' else case when f.rdb$field_sub_type is null then 'unspecified' end end when 37 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 0 then 'unspecified' when 1 then 'text' when 3 then 'acl' else case when f.rdb$field_sub_type is null then 'unspecified' end end when 261 then case f.rdb$field_sub_type when 0 then 'unspecified' when 1 then 'text' when 2 then 'blr' when 3 then 'acl' when 4 then 'reserved' when 5 then 'encoded-meta-data' when 6 then 'irregular-finished-multi-db-tx' when 7 then 'transactional_description' when 8 then 'external_file_description' end end as "ActualSubType", f.RDB$FIELD_LENGTH AS field_length, f.RDB$FIELD_PRECISION AS field_precision, f.RDB$FIELD_SCALE AS field_scale, cset.RDB$CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS field_charset, coll.RDB$COLLATION_NAME AS field_collation, r.rdb$default_source, r.RDB$NULL_FLAG AS field_not_null_constraint, r.RDB$DESCRIPTION AS field_description FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS r LEFT JOIN RDB$FIELDS f ON r.RDB$FIELD_SOURCE = f.RDB$FIELD_NAME LEFT JOIN RDB$COLLATIONS coll ON f.RDB$COLLATION_ID = coll.RDB$COLLATION_ID LEFT JOIN RDB$CHARACTER_SETS cset ON f.RDB$CHARACTER_SET_ID = cset.RDB$CHARACTER_SET_ID WHERE r.RDB$RELATION_NAME='%s' -- table name ORDER BY r.RDB$FIELD_POSITION """ colData = self.queryAll(fieldQuery % tableName.upper()) results = [] for (field, fieldType, fieldSubtype, fieldLength, fieldPrecision, fieldScale, fieldCharset, collationName, defaultSource, fieldNotNullConstraint, fieldDescription) in colData: field = field.strip().lower() fieldType = fieldType.strip() if fieldCharset: fieldCharset = str(fieldCharset.strip()) # 'UNICODE_FSS' is less strict # Firebird/Interbase UTF8 definition if fieldCharset.startswith('UNICODE_FSS'): fieldCharset = "UTF8" if fieldSubtype: fieldSubtype = fieldSubtype.strip() if fieldType == "int64": fieldType = fieldSubtype # can look like: "DEFAULT 0", "DEFAULT 'default text'", None if defaultSource: defaultSource = defaultSource.split(' ')[1] if defaultSource.startswith("'") and \ defaultSource.endswith("'"): defaultSource = str(defaultSource[1:-1]) elif fieldType in ("integer", "smallint", "bigint"): defaultSource = int(defaultSource) elif fieldType in ("float", "double"): defaultSource = float(defaultSource) # TODO: other types for defaultSource # elif fieldType == "datetime": idName = str(soClass.sqlmeta.idName or 'id').upper() if field.upper() == idName: continue if fieldScale: # PRECISION refers to the total number of digits, # and SCALE refers to the number of digits # to the right of the decimal point. # Both numbers can be from 1 to 18 (SQL dialect 1: 1-15), # but SCALE mustbe less than or equal to PRECISION. if fieldScale > fieldLength: fieldScale = fieldLength colClass, kw = self.guessClass(fieldType, fieldLength, fieldCharset, fieldScale) kw['name'] = str( kw['dbName'] = str(field) kw['notNone'] = not fieldNotNullConstraint kw['default'] = defaultSource results.append(colClass(**kw)) return results
[docs] def guessClass(self, t, flength, fCharset, fscale=None): """ An internal method that tries to figure out what Col subclass is appropriate given whatever introspective information is available -- both very database-specific. """ # TODO: check if negative values are allowed for fscale if t == 'smallint': # -32,768 to +32,767, 16 bits return col.IntCol, {} elif t == 'integer': # -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647, 32 bits return col.IntCol, {} elif t == 'bigint': # -2^63 to 2^63-1 or # -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, 64 bits return col.IntCol, {} elif t == 'float': # 32 bits, 3.4x10^-38 to 3.4x10^38, 7 digit precision # (7 significant decimals) return col.FloatCol, {} elif t == 'double': # 64 bits, 1.7x10^-308 to 1.7x10^308, 15 digit precision # (15 significant decimals) return col.FloatCol, {} elif t == 'numeric': # Numeric and Decimal are internally stored as smallint, # integer or bigint depending on the size. # They can handle up to 18 digits. if (not flength or not fscale): # If neither PRECISION nor SCALE are specified, # Firebird/InterBase defines the column as INTEGER # instead of NUMERIC and stores only the integer portion # of the value return col.IntCol, {} # check if negative values are allowed for fscale return col.DecimalCol, {'size': flength, 'precision': fscale} elif t == 'decimal': # Check if negative values are allowed for fscale return col.DecimalCol, {'size': flength, 'precision': fscale} elif t == 'date': # 32 bits, 1 Jan 100. to 29 Feb 32768. return col.DateCol, {} elif t == 'time': # 32 bits, 00:00 to 23:59.9999 return col.TimeCol, {} elif t == 'timestamp': # 64 bits, 1 Jan 100 to 28 Feb 32768. return col.DateTimeCol, {} elif t == 'char': # 32767 bytes if fCharset and (fCharset != "NONE"): return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False, 'dbEncoding': fCharset} elif self.dbEncoding: return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False, 'dbEncoding': self.dbEncoding} else: return col.StringCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False} elif t == 'varchar': # 32767 bytes if fCharset and (fCharset != "NONE"): return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': True, 'dbEncoding': fCharset} elif self.dbEncoding: return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': True, 'dbEncoding': self.dbEncoding} else: return col.StringCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': True} elif t == 'blob': # 32GB return col.BLOBCol, {} else: return col.Col, {}
[docs] def createEmptyDatabase(self): self.module.create_database( "CREATE DATABASE '%s' user '%s' password '%s'" % (self.db, self.user, self.password))
[docs] def dropDatabase(self): self.module.drop_database()