Download SQLObject ++++++++++++++++++ The latest releases are always available on the `Python Package Index `_, and is installable with `pip `_ or `easy_install `_. You can install the latest release with:: pip install -U SQLObject or:: easy_install -U SQLObject You can install the latest version of SQLObject with:: easy_install SQLObject==dev You can install the latest bug fixing branch with:: easy_install SQLObject==bugfix If you want to require a specific revision (because, for instance, you need a bugfix that hasn't appeared in a release), you can put this in your `setuptools `_ using ```` file:: setup(... install_requires=["SQLObject==bugfix,>=0.7.1dev-r1485"], ) This says that you *need* revision 1485 or higher. But it also says that you can aquire the "bugfix" version to try to get that. In fact, when you install ``SQLObject==bugfix`` you will be installing a specific version, and "bugfix" is just a kind of label for a way of acquiring the version (it points to a branch in the repository). Repositories ------------ The SQLObject `git `_ repositories are located at and Before switching to git development was performed at the Subversion repository that is no longer available. .. image:: :target: :class: noborder :align: center :height: 15 :width: 80 :alt: Get SQLObject at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads