Source code for sqlobject.dbconnection

import atexit
import inspect
import sys
import os
import threading
import types
    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl
    from urllib import unquote, quote, urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl, unquote, quote, urlencode

import warnings
import weakref

from .cache import CacheSet
from . import classregistry
from . import col
from .converters import sqlrepr
from . import sqlbuilder
from .util.threadinglocal import local as threading_local
from .compat import PY2, string_type, unicode_type

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "DB-API extension cursor.lastrowid used")

_connections = {}

def _closeConnection(ref):
    conn = ref()
    if conn is not None:

[docs]class ConsoleWriter: def __init__(self, connection, loglevel): # loglevel: None or empty string for stdout; or 'stderr' self.loglevel = loglevel or "stdout" self.dbEncoding = getattr(connection, "dbEncoding", None) or "ascii"
[docs] def write(self, text): logfile = getattr(sys, self.loglevel) if PY2 and isinstance(text, unicode_type): try: text = text.encode(self.dbEncoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: text = repr(text)[2:-1] # Remove u'...' from the repr logfile.write(text + '\n')
[docs]class LogWriter: def __init__(self, connection, logger, loglevel): self.logger = logger self.loglevel = loglevel self.logmethod = getattr(logger, loglevel)
[docs] def write(self, text): self.logmethod(text)
[docs]def makeDebugWriter(connection, loggerName, loglevel): if not loggerName: return ConsoleWriter(connection, loglevel) import logging logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) return LogWriter(connection, logger, loglevel)
[docs]class Boolean(object): """A bool class that also understands some special string keywords Understands: yes/no, true/false, on/off, 1/0, case ignored. """ _keywords = {'1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False} def __new__(cls, value): try: return Boolean._keywords[value.lower()] except (AttributeError, KeyError): return bool(value)
[docs]class DBConnection: def __init__(self, name=None, debug=False, debugOutput=False, cache=True, style=None, autoCommit=True, debugThreading=False, registry=None, logger=None, loglevel=None): = name self.debug = Boolean(debug) self.debugOutput = Boolean(debugOutput) self.debugThreading = Boolean(debugThreading) self.debugWriter = makeDebugWriter(self, logger, loglevel) self.doCache = Boolean(cache) self.cache = CacheSet(cache=self.doCache) = style self._connectionNumbers = {} self._connectionCount = 1 self.autoCommit = Boolean(autoCommit) self.registry = registry or None classregistry.registry(self.registry).addCallback(self.soClassAdded) registerConnectionInstance(self) atexit.register(_closeConnection, weakref.ref(self))
[docs] def oldUri(self): auth = getattr(self, 'user', '') or '' if auth: if self.password: auth = auth + ':' + self.password auth = auth + '@' else: assert not getattr(self, 'password', None), ( 'URIs cannot express passwords without usernames') uri = '%s://%s' % (self.dbName, auth) if uri += if self.port: uri += ':%d' % self.port uri += '/' db = self.db if db.startswith('/'): db = db[1:] return uri + db
[docs] def uri(self): auth = getattr(self, 'user', '') or '' if auth: auth = quote(auth) if self.password: auth = auth + ':' + quote(self.password) auth = auth + '@' else: assert not getattr(self, 'password', None), ( 'URIs cannot express passwords without usernames') uri = '%s://%s' % (self.dbName, auth) if uri += if self.port: uri += ':%d' % self.port uri += '/' db = self.db if db.startswith('/'): db = db[1:] return uri + quote(db)
[docs] def connectionFromOldURI(cls, uri): return cls._connectionFromParams(*cls._parseOldURI(uri))
[docs] def connectionFromURI(cls, uri): return cls._connectionFromParams(*cls._parseURI(uri))
@staticmethod def _parseOldURI(uri): schema, rest = uri.split(':', 1) assert rest.startswith('/'), \ "URIs must start with scheme:/ -- " \ "you did not include a / (in %r)" % rest if rest.startswith('/') and not rest.startswith('//'): host = None rest = rest[1:] elif rest.startswith('///'): host = None rest = rest[3:] else: rest = rest[2:] if rest.find('/') == -1: host = rest rest = '' else: host, rest = rest.split('/', 1) if host and host.find('@') != -1: user, host = host.rsplit('@', 1) if user.find(':') != -1: user, password = user.split(':', 1) else: password = None else: user = password = None if host and host.find(':') != -1: _host, port = host.split(':') try: port = int(port) except ValueError: raise ValueError("port must be integer, " "got '%s' instead" % port) if not (1 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError("port must be integer in the range 1-65535, " "got '%d' instead" % port) host = _host else: port = None path = '/' + rest if == 'nt': if (len(rest) > 1) and (rest[1] == '|'): path = "%s:%s" % (rest[0], rest[2:]) args = {} if path.find('?') != -1: path, arglist = path.split('?', 1) arglist = arglist.split('&') for single in arglist: argname, argvalue = single.split('=', 1) argvalue = unquote(argvalue) args[argname] = argvalue return user, password, host, port, path, args @staticmethod def _parseURI(uri): parsed = urlparse(uri) host, path = parsed.hostname, parsed.path user, password, port = None, None, None if parsed.username: user = unquote(parsed.username) if parsed.password: password = unquote(parsed.password) if parsed.port: port = int(parsed.port) path = unquote(path) if ( == 'nt') and (len(path) > 2): # Preserve backward compatibility with URIs like /C|/path; # replace '|' by ':' if path[2] == '|': path = "%s:%s" % (path[0:2], path[3:]) # Remove leading slash if (path[0] == '/') and (path[2] == ':'): path = path[1:] query = parsed.query # hash-tag / fragment is ignored args = {} if query: for name, value in parse_qsl(query): args[name] = value return user, password, host, port, path, args
[docs] def soClassAdded(self, soClass): """ This is called for each new class; we use this opportunity to create an instance method that is bound to the class and this connection. """ name = soClass.__name__ assert not hasattr(self, name), ( "Connection %r already has an attribute with the name " "%r (and you just created the conflicting class %r)" % (self, name, soClass)) setattr(self, name, ConnWrapper(soClass, self))
[docs] def expireAll(self): """ Expire all instances of objects for this connection. """ cache_set = self.cache cache_set.weakrefAll() for item in cache_set.getAll(): item.expire()
[docs]class ConnWrapper(object): """ This represents a SQLObject class that is bound to a specific connection (instances have a connection instance variable, but classes are global, so this is binds the connection variable lazily when a class method is accessed) """ # @@: methods that take connection arguments should be explicitly # marked up instead of the implicit use of a connection argument # and inspect.getargspec() def __init__(self, soClass, connection): self._soClass = soClass self._connection = connection def __call__(self, *args, **kw): kw['connection'] = self._connection return self._soClass(*args, **kw) def __getattr__(self, attr): meth = getattr(self._soClass, attr) if not isinstance(meth, types.MethodType): # We don't need to wrap non-methods return meth try: takes_conn = meth.takes_connection except AttributeError: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(meth) assert not varkw and not varargs, ( "I cannot tell whether I must wrap this method, " "because it takes **kw: %r" % meth) takes_conn = 'connection' in args meth.__func__.takes_connection = takes_conn if not takes_conn: return meth return ConnMethodWrapper(meth, self._connection)
[docs]class ConnMethodWrapper(object): def __init__(self, method, connection): self._method = method self._connection = connection def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._method, attr) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): kw['connection'] = self._connection return self._method(*args, **kw) def __repr__(self): return '<Wrapped %r with connection %r>' % ( self._method, self._connection)
[docs]class DBAPI(DBConnection): """ Subclass must define a `makeConnection()` method, which returns a newly-created connection object. ``queryInsertID`` must also be defined. """ dbName = None def __init__(self, **kw): self._pool = [] self._poolLock = threading.Lock() DBConnection.__init__(self, **kw) self._binaryType = type(self.module.Binary(b'')) def _runWithConnection(self, meth, *args): conn = self.getConnection() try: val = meth(conn, *args) finally: self.releaseConnection(conn) return val
[docs] def getConnection(self): self._poolLock.acquire() try: if not self._pool: conn = self.makeConnection() self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] = self._connectionCount self._connectionCount += 1 else: conn = self._pool.pop() if self.debug: s = 'ACQUIRE' if self._pool is not None: s += ' pool=[%s]' % ', '.join( [str(self._connectionNumbers[id(v)]) for v in self._pool]) self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Pool') return conn finally: self._poolLock.release()
[docs] def releaseConnection(self, conn, explicit=False): if self.debug: if explicit: s = 'RELEASE (explicit)' else: s = 'RELEASE (implicit, autocommit=%s)' % self.autoCommit if self._pool is None: s += ' no pooling' else: s += ' pool=[%s]' % ', '.join( [str(self._connectionNumbers[id(v)]) for v in self._pool]) self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Pool') if self.supportTransactions and not explicit: if self.autoCommit == 'exception': if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto/exception', 'ROLLBACK') conn.rollback() raise Exception('Object used outside of a transaction; ' 'implicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK not allowed') elif self.autoCommit: if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto', 'COMMIT') if not getattr(conn, 'autocommit', False): conn.commit() else: if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, 'auto', 'ROLLBACK') conn.rollback() if self._pool is not None: if conn not in self._pool: # @@: We can get duplicate releasing of connections with # the __del__ in Iteration (unfortunately, not sure why # it happens) self._pool.insert(0, conn) else: conn.close()
[docs] def printDebug(self, conn, s, name, type='query'): if name == 'Pool' and self.debug != 'Pool': return if type == 'query': sep = ': ' else: sep = '->' s = repr(s) n = self._connectionNumbers[id(conn)] spaces = ' ' * (8 - len(name)) if self.debugThreading: threadName = threading.currentThread().getName() threadName = (':' + threadName + ' ' * (8 - len(threadName))) else: threadName = '' msg = '%(n)2i%(threadName)s/%(name)s%(spaces)s%(sep)s %(s)s' % locals() self.debugWriter.write(msg)
def _executeRetry(self, conn, cursor, query): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, query, 'QueryR') return cursor.execute(query) def _query(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'Query') self._executeRetry(conn, conn.cursor(), s)
[docs] def query(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._query, s)
def _queryAll(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryAll') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchall() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryAll', 'result') return value
[docs] def queryAll(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryAll, s)
def _queryAllDescription(self, conn, s): """ Like queryAll, but returns (description, rows), where the description is cursor.description (which gives row types) """ if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryAllDesc') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchall() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryAll', 'result') return c.description, value
[docs] def queryAllDescription(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryAllDescription, s)
def _queryOne(self, conn, s): if self.debug: self.printDebug(conn, s, 'QueryOne') c = conn.cursor() self._executeRetry(conn, c, s) value = c.fetchone() if self.debugOutput: self.printDebug(conn, value, 'QueryOne', 'result') return value
[docs] def queryOne(self, s): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryOne, s)
def _insertSQL(self, table, names, values): return ("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (table, ', '.join(names), ', '.join([self.sqlrepr(v) for v in values])))
[docs] def transaction(self): return Transaction(self)
[docs] def queryInsertID(self, soInstance, id, names, values): return self._runWithConnection(self._queryInsertID, soInstance, id, names, values)
[docs] def iterSelect(self, select): return select.IterationClass(self, self.getConnection(), select, keepConnection=False)
[docs] def accumulateSelect(self, select, *expressions): """ Apply an accumulate function(s) (SUM, COUNT, MIN, AVG, MAX, etc...) to the select object. """ q = select.queryForSelect().newItems(expressions).\ unlimited().orderBy(None) q = self.sqlrepr(q) val = self.queryOne(q) if len(expressions) == 1: val = val[0] return val
[docs] def queryForSelect(self, select): return self.sqlrepr(select.queryForSelect())
def _SO_createJoinTable(self, join): self.query(self._SO_createJoinTableSQL(join)) def _SO_createJoinTableSQL(self, join): return ('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s %s,\n%s %s\n)' % (join.intermediateTable, join.joinColumn, self.joinSQLType(join), join.otherColumn, self.joinSQLType(join))) def _SO_dropJoinTable(self, join): self.query("DROP TABLE %s" % join.intermediateTable) def _SO_createIndex(self, soClass, index): self.query(self.createIndexSQL(soClass, index))
[docs] def createIndexSQL(self, soClass, index): assert 0, 'Implement in subclasses'
[docs] def createTable(self, soClass): createSql, constraints = self.createTableSQL(soClass) self.query(createSql) return constraints
[docs] def createReferenceConstraints(self, soClass): refConstraints = [self.createReferenceConstraint(soClass, column) for column in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList if isinstance(column, col.SOForeignKey)] refConstraintDefs = [constraint for constraint in refConstraints if constraint] return refConstraintDefs
[docs] def createSQL(self, soClass): tableCreateSQLs = getattr(soClass.sqlmeta, 'createSQL', None) if tableCreateSQLs: assert isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, (str, list, dict, tuple)), ( '%s.sqlmeta.createSQL must be a str, list, dict or tuple.' % (soClass.__name__)) if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, dict): tableCreateSQLs = tableCreateSQLs.get( soClass._connection.dbName, []) if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, str): tableCreateSQLs = [tableCreateSQLs] if isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, tuple): tableCreateSQLs = list(tableCreateSQLs) assert isinstance(tableCreateSQLs, list), ( 'Unable to create a list from %s.sqlmeta.createSQL' % (soClass.__name__)) return tableCreateSQLs or []
[docs] def createTableSQL(self, soClass): constraints = self.createReferenceConstraints(soClass) extraSQL = self.createSQL(soClass) createSql = ('CREATE TABLE %s (\n%s\n)' % (soClass.sqlmeta.table, self.createColumns(soClass))) return createSql, constraints + extraSQL
[docs] def createColumns(self, soClass): columnDefs = [self.createIDColumn(soClass)] \ + [self.createColumn(soClass, col) for col in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList] return ",\n".join([" %s" % c for c in columnDefs])
[docs] def createReferenceConstraint(self, soClass, col): assert 0, "Implement in subclasses"
[docs] def createColumn(self, soClass, col): assert 0, "Implement in subclasses"
[docs] def dropTable(self, tableName, cascade=False): self.query("DROP TABLE %s" % tableName)
[docs] def clearTable(self, tableName): # 3-03 @@: Should this have a WHERE 1 = 1 or similar # clause? In some configurations without the WHERE clause # the query won't go through, but maybe we shouldn't override # that. self.query("DELETE FROM %s" % tableName)
[docs] def createBinary(self, value): """ Create a binary object wrapper for the given database. """ # Default is Binary() function from the connection driver. return self.module.Binary(value)
# The _SO_* series of methods are sorts of "friend" methods # with SQLObject. They grab values from the SQLObject instances # or classes freely, but keep the SQLObject class from accessing # the database directly. This way no SQL is actually created # in the SQLObject class. def _SO_update(self, so, values): self.query("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (so.sqlmeta.table, ", ".join(["%s = (%s)" % (dbName, self.sqlrepr(value)) for dbName, value in values]), so.sqlmeta.idName, self.sqlrepr( def _SO_selectOne(self, so, columnNames): return self._SO_selectOneAlt(so, columnNames, == def _SO_selectOneAlt(self, so, columnNames, condition): if columnNames: columns = [isinstance(x, string_type) and sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(x) or x for x in columnNames] else: columns = None return self.queryOne(self.sqlrepr(sqlbuilder.Select( columns, staticTables=[so.sqlmeta.table], clause=condition))) def _SO_delete(self, so): self.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (so.sqlmeta.table, so.sqlmeta.idName, self.sqlrepr( def _SO_selectJoin(self, soClass, column, value): return self.queryAll("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (soClass.sqlmeta.idName, soClass.sqlmeta.table, column, self.sqlrepr(value))) def _SO_intermediateJoin(self, table, getColumn, joinColumn, value): return self.queryAll("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s)" % (getColumn, table, joinColumn, self.sqlrepr(value))) def _SO_intermediateDelete(self, table, firstColumn, firstValue, secondColumn, secondValue): self.query("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = (%s) AND %s = (%s)" % (table, firstColumn, self.sqlrepr(firstValue), secondColumn, self.sqlrepr(secondValue))) def _SO_intermediateInsert(self, table, firstColumn, firstValue, secondColumn, secondValue): self.query("INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (table, firstColumn, secondColumn, self.sqlrepr(firstValue), self.sqlrepr(secondValue))) def _SO_columnClause(self, soClass, kw): from . import main ops = {None: "IS"} data = [] if 'id' in kw: data.append((soClass.sqlmeta.idName, kw.pop('id'))) for soColumn in soClass.sqlmeta.columnList: key = if key in kw: val = kw.pop(key) if soColumn.from_python: val = soColumn.from_python( val, sqlbuilder.SQLObjectState(soClass, connection=self)) data.append((soColumn.dbName, val)) elif soColumn.foreignName in kw: obj = kw.pop(soColumn.foreignName) if isinstance(obj, main.SQLObject): data.append((soColumn.dbName, else: data.append((soColumn.dbName, obj)) if kw: # pick the first key from kw to use to raise the error, raise TypeError("got an unexpected keyword argument(s): " "%r" % kw.keys()) if not data: return None return ' AND '.join( ['%s %s %s' % (dbName, ops.get(value, "="), self.sqlrepr(value)) for dbName, value in data])
[docs] def sqlrepr(self, v): return sqlrepr(v, self.dbName)
def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): if not hasattr(self, '_pool'): # Probably there was an exception while creating this # instance, so it is incomplete. return if not self._pool: return self._poolLock.acquire() try: if not self._pool: # _pool could be filled in a different thread return conns = self._pool[:] self._pool[:] = [] for conn in conns: try: conn.close() except self.module.Error: pass del conn del conns finally: self._poolLock.release()
[docs] def createEmptyDatabase(self): """ Create an empty database. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def make_odbc_conn_str(self, odb_source, db, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None): odbc_conn_parts = ['Driver={%s}' % odb_source] for odbc_keyword, value in \ zip(self.odbc_keywords, (host, port, user, password, db)): if value is not None: odbc_conn_parts.append('%s=%s' % (odbc_keyword, value)) self.odbc_conn_str = ';'.join(odbc_conn_parts)
[docs]class Iteration(object): def __init__(self, dbconn, rawconn, select, keepConnection=False): self.dbconn = dbconn self.rawconn = rawconn = select self.keepConnection = keepConnection self.cursor = rawconn.cursor() self.query = self.dbconn.queryForSelect(select) if dbconn.debug: dbconn.printDebug(rawconn, self.query, 'Select') self.dbconn._executeRetry(self.rawconn, self.cursor, self.query) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return
[docs] def next(self): result = self.cursor.fetchone() if result is None: self._cleanup() raise StopIteration if result[0] is None: return None if'lazyColumns', 0): obj =[0], connection=self.dbconn) return obj else: obj =[0], selectResults=result[1:], connection=self.dbconn) return obj
def _cleanup(self): if getattr(self, 'query', None) is None: # already cleaned up return self.query = None if not self.keepConnection: self.dbconn.releaseConnection(self.rawconn) self.dbconn = self.rawconn = = self.cursor = None def __del__(self): self._cleanup()
[docs]class Transaction(object): def __init__(self, dbConnection): # this is to skip __del__ in case of an exception in this __init__ self._obsolete = True self._dbConnection = dbConnection self._connection = dbConnection.getConnection() self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 0) self.cache = CacheSet(cache=dbConnection.doCache) self._deletedCache = {} self._obsolete = False
[docs] def assertActive(self): assert not self._obsolete, \ "This transaction has already gone through ROLLBACK; " \ "begin another transaction"
[docs] def query(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._query(self._connection, s)
[docs] def queryAll(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryAll(self._connection, s)
[docs] def queryOne(self, s): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryOne(self._connection, s)
[docs] def queryInsertID(self, soInstance, id, names, values): self.assertActive() return self._dbConnection._queryInsertID( self._connection, soInstance, id, names, values)
[docs] def iterSelect(self, select): self.assertActive() # We can't keep the cursor open with results in a transaction, # because we might want to use the connection while we're # still iterating through the results. # @@: But would it be okay for psycopg, with threadsafety # level 2? return iter(list(select.IterationClass(self, self._connection, select, keepConnection=True)))
def _SO_delete(self, inst): cls = inst.__class__.__name__ if cls not in self._deletedCache: self._deletedCache[cls] = [] self._deletedCache[cls].append( if PY2: meth = types.MethodType(self._dbConnection._SO_delete.__func__, self, self.__class__) else: meth = types.MethodType(self._dbConnection._SO_delete.__func__, self) return meth(inst)
[docs] def commit(self, close=False): if self._obsolete: # @@: is it okay to get extraneous commits? return if self._dbConnection.debug: self._dbConnection.printDebug(self._connection, '', 'COMMIT') self._connection.commit() subCaches = [(sub[0], sub[1].allIDs()) for sub in self.cache.allSubCachesByClassNames().items()] subCaches.extend([(x[0], x[1]) for x in self._deletedCache.items()]) for cls, ids in subCaches: for id in list(ids): inst = self._dbConnection.cache.tryGetByName(id, cls) if inst is not None: inst.expire() if close: self._makeObsolete()
[docs] def rollback(self): if self._obsolete: # @@: is it okay to get extraneous rollbacks? return if self._dbConnection.debug: self._dbConnection.printDebug(self._connection, '', 'ROLLBACK') subCaches = [(sub, sub.allIDs()) for sub in self.cache.allSubCaches()] self._connection.rollback() for subCache, ids in subCaches: for id in list(ids): inst = subCache.tryGet(id) if inst is not None: inst.expire() self._makeObsolete()
def __getattr__(self, attr): """ If nothing else works, let the parent connection handle it. Except with this transaction as 'self'. Poor man's acquisition? Bad programming? Okay, maybe. """ self.assertActive() attr = getattr(self._dbConnection, attr) try: func = attr.__func__ except AttributeError: if isinstance(attr, ConnWrapper): return ConnWrapper(attr._soClass, self) else: return attr else: if PY2: meth = types.MethodType(func, self, self.__class__) else: meth = types.MethodType(func, self) return meth def _makeObsolete(self): self._obsolete = True if self._dbConnection.autoCommit: self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 1) self._dbConnection.releaseConnection(self._connection, explicit=True) self._connection = None self._deletedCache = {}
[docs] def begin(self): # @@: Should we do this, or should begin() be a no-op when we're # not already obsolete? assert self._obsolete, \ "You cannot begin a new transaction session " \ "without rolling back this one" self._obsolete = False self._connection = self._dbConnection.getConnection() self._dbConnection._setAutoCommit(self._connection, 0)
def __del__(self): if self._obsolete: return self.rollback()
[docs] def close(self): raise TypeError('You cannot just close transaction - ' 'you should either call rollback(), commit() ' 'or commit(close=True) ' 'to close the underlying connection.')
[docs]class ConnectionHub(object): """ This object serves as a hub for connections, so that you can pass in a ConnectionHub to a SQLObject subclass as though it was a connection, but actually bind a real database connection later. You can also bind connections on a per-thread basis. You must hang onto the original ConnectionHub instance, as you cannot retrieve it again from the class or instance. To use the hub, do something like:: hub = ConnectionHub() class MyClass(SQLObject): _connection = hub hub.threadConnection = connectionFromURI('...') """ def __init__(self): self.threadingLocal = threading_local() def __get__(self, obj, type=None): # I'm a little surprised we have to do this, but apparently # the object's private dictionary of attributes doesn't # override this descriptor. if (obj is not None) and '_connection' in obj.__dict__: return obj.__dict__['_connection'] return self.getConnection() def __set__(self, obj, value): obj.__dict__['_connection'] = value
[docs] def getConnection(self): try: return self.threadingLocal.connection except AttributeError: try: return self.processConnection except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "No connection has been defined for this thread " "or process")
[docs] def doInTransaction(self, func, *args, **kw): """ This routine can be used to run a function in a transaction, rolling the transaction back if any exception is raised from that function, and committing otherwise. Use like:: sqlhub.doInTransaction(process_request, os.environ) This will run ``process_request(os.environ)``. The return value will be preserved. """ # @@: In Python 2.5, something usable with with: should also # be added. try: old_conn = self.threadingLocal.connection old_conn_is_threading = True except AttributeError: old_conn = self.processConnection old_conn_is_threading = False conn = old_conn.transaction() if old_conn_is_threading: self.threadConnection = conn else: self.processConnection = conn try: try: value = func(*args, **kw) except: conn.rollback() raise else: conn.commit(close=True) return value finally: if old_conn_is_threading: self.threadConnection = old_conn else: self.processConnection = old_conn
def _set_threadConnection(self, value): self.threadingLocal.connection = value def _get_threadConnection(self): return self.threadingLocal.connection def _del_threadConnection(self): del self.threadingLocal.connection threadConnection = property(_get_threadConnection, _set_threadConnection, _del_threadConnection)
[docs]class ConnectionURIOpener(object): def __init__(self): self.schemeBuilders = {} self.instanceNames = {} self.cachedURIs = {}
[docs] def registerConnection(self, schemes, builder): for uriScheme in schemes: assert uriScheme not in self.schemeBuilders \ or self.schemeBuilders[uriScheme] is builder, \ "A driver has already been registered " \ "for the URI scheme %s" % uriScheme self.schemeBuilders[uriScheme] = builder
[docs] def registerConnectionInstance(self, inst): if assert ( not in self.instanceNames or self.instanceNames[] is cls # noqa ), ("A instance has already been registered " "with the name %s" % assert':') == -1, \ "You cannot include ':' " \ "in your class names (%r)" % # noqa self.instanceNames[] = inst
[docs] def connectionForURI(self, uri, oldUri=False, **args): if args: if '?' not in uri: uri += '?' + urlencode(args) else: uri += '&' + urlencode(args) if uri in self.cachedURIs: return self.cachedURIs[uri] if uri.find(':') != -1: scheme, rest = uri.split(':', 1) connCls = self.dbConnectionForScheme(scheme) if oldUri: conn = connCls.connectionFromOldURI(uri) else: conn = connCls.connectionFromURI(uri) else: # We just have a name, not a URI assert uri in self.instanceNames, \ "No SQLObject driver exists under the name %s" % uri conn = self.instanceNames[uri] # @@: Do we care if we clobber another connection? self.cachedURIs[uri] = conn return conn
[docs] def dbConnectionForScheme(self, scheme): assert scheme in self.schemeBuilders, ( "No SQLObject driver exists for %s (only %s)" % ( scheme, ', '.join(self.schemeBuilders.keys()))) return self.schemeBuilders[scheme]()
TheURIOpener = ConnectionURIOpener() registerConnection = TheURIOpener.registerConnection registerConnectionInstance = TheURIOpener.registerConnectionInstance connectionForURI = TheURIOpener.connectionForURI dbConnectionForScheme = TheURIOpener.dbConnectionForScheme # Register DB URI schemas -- do import for side effects # noqa is a directive for flake8 to ignore seemingly unused imports from . import firebird # noqa from . import maxdb # noqa from . import mssql # noqa from . import mysql # noqa from . import postgres # noqa from . import rdbhost # noqa from . import sqlite # noqa from . import sybase # noqa